What Is the Distinction Between Wellness And Health?


Although health and wellness are frequently confused, they are not the same thing. Health is concerned with your physical functioning, whereas wellness is concerned with your overall well-being, not just your physical well-being. Understanding the distinction can aid in the development of better health and wellness.

You've probably heard the terms health and wellness used interchangeably. Most people in our society use these words interchangeably. But there are some significant differences between the two.


Health and wellness are defined in different ways

The health is an excellent position to start your journey to wellness. However, the two should never be confused. It is possible to be in perfect health while not experiencing overall wellness. 

Wellness is a component of health, but it is an overarching intention and attention to all aspects of your life.


Previously, good health was defined as the absence of disease or infirmity, but the definition of health has been expanded to include a healthy mental state as well.

Health is more concerned with your physical body and how well it functions—or does not function. Your health is determined by how you eat (nutrition), start moving your body (exercise), and the absence of acute or chronic diseases.


Wellness is an active concept that describes leading a healthy lifestyle and reaching your full potential.

Wellness refers to a way of life that promotes well-being. A wellness lifestyle is achievable whether you are in perfect health or suffering from a chronic illness. Wellness encompasses all aspects of your life, including your body, work, relationships, emotional life, and so much more.

Health and wellness can work together to help you achieve a high level of well-being. Focusing on wellness, in particular, can help you achieve long-term health.

Here’s, the difference between health and wellness

While health is more concerned with diseases, genetics, and illness (and, hopefully, the absence of health problems! ), the concept of wellness is concerned with delving into all aspects of your life in order to maintain a state of balance.

For example, you may be physically fit and disease-free, but your emotional health is suffering. Wellness programs address every aspect of life to ensure that you are always improving your health and well-being.

Physical health can exist in the absence of physical wellness. Just because you don't have a major problem like heart disease or aren't going to the doctor for aches and pains doesn't mean your body is fit and nourished.

To get to a place where we are truly healthy and well, we must all work toward both states.

Genetics and heritable health disorders, the environment you grew up in, the local foods available to you, and any current acute or chronic illnesses you're experiencing are all examples of health factors.

Examples of wellness factors include eating as cleanly and intentionally as feels mentally healthy for you, choosing to move your body in joyful ways every day, working on your issues so you can experience better relationships, and choosing a career that supports your wellbeing and influences those around you in healthy ways.

Before you set out to improve your health and wellness, it can be a good idea to dig deep into the why behind your goals. Setting and achieving goals can be difficult at times, so getting clear on your purpose and intention can help you stay on track.

What are the three health dimensions?

We have encountered many dilemmas in our daily lives, even those who are extremely wealthy have suffered from health and emotional issues more than the poor, as we tend to be content with what we have at the time. This is why it is critical to understand an individual's health and wellbeing status in terms of physical, mental, and emotional health.

These are the primary points of reference when discussing health issues: physical health, mental health, and emotional health, also known as the three health dimensions.

Physical Health

The ways in which you interact with your body are critical to your overall health and fitness. It's easy to be disconnected from our bodies in our society, always attempting to mask symptoms and ignore sensations.

It is all about paying attention to your body when it comes to physical health. Working with a doctor or other healthcare practitioner to identify illness or other issues can help you improve your physical health. You could also simply focus on eating a well-balanced diet and moving your body every day to avoid falling into a sedentary lifestyle. Physical health and vitality are critical components of overall well-being.

Mental Health

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being all contribute to our mental health. It has an impact on how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we deal with stress, interacts with others, and make decisions. Mental health is essential at all stages of life, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood.

If you have mental health problems throughout your life, your thinking, mood, and behavior may be affected. Many factors play a role in mental health issues, including:

  • Genes and brain chemistry are examples of biological factors.
  • Trauma or abuse are examples of life experiences.
  • There is a family history of mental health issues.

While it's natural to think of health in terms of eating better and exercising more, the health of your mind is also important. You could take excellent care of your body, but if you haven't addressed any mental blocks, mindset hang-ups, or past traumas, you may not achieve long-term success in overall well-being.

You also nourish your mind through the food choices you make for your body.  Mental health is just as important as physical health in your wellness journey.

Emotional Health

Your emotions are a component of your mental health, but they are a distinct aspect of mental health to be aware of. Just because you've worked through childhood traumas or poor mental habits doesn't mean you've become emotionally intelligent.

You will also need to retrain your brain to function in emotionally appropriate ways for the rest of your life. Taking care of your emotions can have a significant impact on your ability to achieve happiness.

Emotional well-being can lead to success at work, in relationships, and in health. Previously, researchers thought that success made people happy. According to research, it's the other way around. People who are happy are more likely to work toward goals, find the resources they require, and attract others with their energy and optimism — all of which are necessary building blocks for success.

It is critical to be conscious of the decisions you make for your personal health and well-being. Nothing is more important than looking after yourself. Make time for yourself every day. Engage in physical activity, pursue hobbies, and spend time with family and friends.